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Hi, welcome to my Naruto Experiment website. An experimental *advance website for Naruto's  hardcore fan.

(still under construction. I'm coming back to fix everything. especially the grammar.)


Think of it as an honors or AP class for Naruto fans. You know how when you take one of those advance and difficult classes, suddenly the textbooks no longer have pictures, the teachers start talking to you like you should all ready know what you are doing (and are less bitchy and controlling)? Well, the less bitchy and controlling part may not be true depending on that professor's love life and cycles. But this webpage is definitely NOT for Naruto newbie.

We will NOT be providing cliché stuffs like Wallpaper, Fanfic, Fanarts, Character Profile, etc. We are assuming you all ready know those things and are ready to move on to next level.

WHY? There are websites on the internet that will provide you with those kind of basic information like terms definition and character history. But let's face it, people who read those things will be people who: haven't seen the anime and are just looking to find out whether or not that show is good. If you have seen it and all ready know the story, why go to a website to read about the stuffs you all ready know?


More information on the story and character can be found at... Oh heck! it can be found anywhere. Just type Naruto into Google. Or, if you have a website you think is the best Naruto profile site ever, you can submit it to me and I will link it in a heartbeat. (and no, I do not think this is the best Naruto website. Frankly, I think it's the laziest.)


Series Info: Naruto is created by a man name Mishimoto. It's currently airing in Japan TV Tokyo, and DVD can be found at any import Anime store. Naruto is part of Shonen Jump (DBZ, Dragon Quest, Hikaru No Go, One Piece, etc.). The graphic novel are continue being released. So far there are 26 volume in Japan, and 4 are translated very badly in America. Online scans and translation (much better than the ones being sold) up to book 27 can be found at numerous website on the internet.

More information on how to get the latest chapter of Naruto and read it before any law biding citizens gets to, visit my Naruto forum  here




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 Symbolisms exist in every single TV shows, Movies, Videogames, and even in novels. If you missed it, there's no harm. But when  you catch it, you will feel very smart. And why not? The writers want it to be there.

So then you think "you are just imagining thing." "You are just looking for things that isn't really there." The fact is, most of the people behind Naruto, DBZ, Law and Order, and even Pootie Tang, all go to film school. And when Symbolism chapter was taught (well in my case it was taught to me back when i was in high school), these writers and directors remember, and can't wait to put it their own works.

Quick Star Wars Symbolism. Read This!

I'm not even a Star Wars fan. But read this to become a symbolism believer. (that sounds weird. Oh well).

Why do Darth Vader wear all black? because black represents evil. If that is true then why are storm troopers wear white? To make the darkness of Vader's character stood out. When Luke was on Tatooine, he wasn't only wearing white, his clothes were a bit on a dirty side, symbolize the fact that he is still young, and innocent. There was even a shot of him after he found his aunt and uncle murdered staring into a sunrise, symbolizes a beginning of the new day (in Tarot card, The Sun means new beginning). Then why do Luke wear black in Return of the Jedi? Because Luke is in between two places at that point, the light side and the dark side. Though he wear all back, like his father. His hands (represent his actions) and his head (represent his minds) is still exposed to the light.


There was a shot during the battle with his father in Return of the Jedi when Luke was hiding. We can see the shadow divided his face in half, symbolizing his struggle in between two forces. The Light Sabers are also great example of symbolism. The good has blue light saber, the evil has red. In Return of the Jedi, he has a green one, which is somewhere in between. Red Green and Blue are primary color for Lights (not Red Yellow and Blue)

Star Wars is just one of the million of symbolism. There are tons of Matrix, and even Finding Nemo. Remember when they were inside the whale? The bottom of the Whale Stomach was dark symbolizes fear of the unknown.. Mulan, as she was climbing the pole to retrieve the arrow, the sun was rising at the time. Again, signifying a new beginning. By now, you probably get the idea. On to Naruto then.


The Symbolisms List down here is pathetic in numbers. 3 of them are devoted to color coding. Please submit more.


Symbolism 1: Team 7: Sasuke, Sakura, and Naruto has a primary color tone. Sasuke has blue tone. Sakura has a red tone. Naruto has yellow tone. The three primary color symbolizes harmony.


Symbolism 2: Naruto and Sasuke compliment each other. Though I just stated above that Naruto is Yellow. Most of the time he wear Orange. Orange and Blue (Sasuke's shirt) is a pair of complimentary color. Complimentary colors are color that when mixed together create gray. These colors are considered opposite one another and should NOT be worn together (ever seen a guy wearing red shirt and green pants?) Red opposite Green. Yellow opposite Purple. And Blue opposite Orange.


Symbolism 3: Most bad guys don't wear color. The only good guy that has gray tone is Shino. Neiji, though became good guy later, was consider a bad guy and he wears all white. Orochimaru wear almost all white. All the sound ninjas wear this very light yellow, look almost white. The cursed 4 that kidnapped Sasuke all wear white and gray  too. Haku and Zabuza clothing consist of only white, black, and gray also


Symbolism 4: Rock Lee met Tsunade. When Tsunade first saw Rock Lee. He was walking out from a darker part of the  hall way, which symbolize hopelessness. When Tsunade came, he decided to walk out from the feeling of hopelessness and stepped back into the light. After Tsunade gave him the sad news, he retreats back into the dark hall way, losing hope once again.


Symbolism 5: Gai and Lee, from episode 100 When Rock Lee was injured beyond repair. He spent the episode walking around Konoha. As the episode near ends, the day almost end as well. The sunset symbolizes the coming darkness. He walked into the sunset like chasing after the sun itself. But there was no eagerness there, and he walked very slowly. When it was dark, it symbolizes the lost of hope. But when he talked to Gai, the camera moves up to the night sky and gave us a great shot of a big blue full moon. This symbolize the fact that within the darkness, there can still be great light, hope.


Symbolism 6: Naruto and Sasuke roof battle: In the manga, the Chidori and Rasengan battle have Sasuke in a higher position and Naruto on the ground. This is to symbolize Naruto rise from under Sasuke, and Sasuke drops down from where he was, to a place where they are now equal.


Symbolism 7: Naruto and Sasuke fight part 2. The whole Volume 26. At the beginning, once again Sasuke was placed much higher than Naruto. There were several shots that have Sasuke looking down on our hero. Even during the fight, Sasuke was always placed higher. But by the time Sasuke acknowledge that Naruto is strong, they were standing on the flat surface, symbolizing that they are now at the same level. (notice how so that when Naruto was consume by the Nine Tail, his chakra makes him much bigger than Sasuke.) Size and placement of characters always matter in symbolism.

Symbolism 8:


more symbolism to come.

Naruto has hundred of other symbolisms. Submit ones that isn't being mentioned here here



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There is a different beween copying and celebrating. In Japanese Manga, a lot of storyline that "worked" are often get re-used. Tournament Match up (DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu Gi Oh, etc.) to bad guys with 3 forms (DBZ, Final Fantasy, Full Metal Alchemist ) Catch them all (Pokemon, Yu Gi Oh: Egyptian God Cards), etc.

Naruto has a lot of original content without a doubt. But one cannot deny that it borrows from a lot too.

Kishimoto never deny the fact that he was influenced a lot by Dragonball Z. But let see what else inspired him.


Influenced 1: Naruto and Sasuke, rival, best friend, YAOI fic writer's fantasy? (Come on! they are only 12!!)

Similar Situation: Everywhere, from Gundam Seed, to Street Fighter, to Sonic, to Megaman, to Dragonball Z.  It's a popular thing in Japnese Anime. The main character must have a main girl, but he must also has this... male, buddy, archrival, evil-twin thing. All good anime series has it. (well, may be not Cowboy Bebop... oh wait, yes there is). Even Mario has Wario. Even Spiderman have Venom. Those are evil twin. Two people with so much alike but also very much... opposite. Now, Sasuke and Naruto relationship is different in that they are not only rival, but also friend. This can be compare better to Ryoga and Ranma, and Ryu and Ken.


Influenced 2: Perverted Teacher. Jiraiya

Similar Situation: Master Roshi from DBZ, Yugi's grandfather, Dr. Slump, Pop's Master from Dragon Quest, Happosai from Ranma.  Perverted adults are always funny to kids. And there are a lot of that in Japanese Anime.


Influenced 3: One of the good major character become one of the season's biggest villian. (Sasuke)

Similar Situation: Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Comparing Sasuke to Willow is not too far fetched. After all, she was Buffy's very best friend who was so mad at the death of someone she care about (and Sasuke was so mad about the death of his parents) that she would stop at nothing to get revenge. Of course, the main characters, both Buffy and Naruto, can't let the friend walk down that path. And so, they must fight.


Influnced 4: Gaara Character:

Similar to: Shinji Ikari from Evangelion.  Gaara Character borrows a lot from Shinji from Evangelion (though Shinji is a bit on the wussy side and Gaara kicks major butt). Like Shinji, Gaara was alone (yet his friends are right there in front of him), hate his father, and has a spirit of his mother lives inside a powerful source (instead of Unit One, this time it's the character's sand). When they get headache, they even hold their head the same way. (but then again... is there any other way?)


Situation 4: Orochimaru and Kabuto

Infulenced by: Mr. Burns and Smithers  Okay, this one is a bit farfetched, but Kabuto's devotion (and his glasses) reminded me so much of the Simpsons pair. Plus the fact that Orochimaru is so evil, almost Mr. Burns evil, it must be said.


Situation 5: A high ranking, well-liked male authority figure passed away and was replace by Female.

Similar to: Law and Order, James Bond, Several Power Ranger-like Shows. I doubt Kishimoto watched Law and Order (but may be James Bond). In Goldeneye, M was replaced when Brosnan entered the picture by a female M. And, let's face it, Judy Dench kicks major ass.


Situation 6: Summoning

Similar to: Final Fantasy. Summoning has been around in the manga for a long while (especially in ninja ones). But usually they don't summon anything so big and have them fight each other until Final Fantasy came up with the idea. Then there were several anime where the robot has a mind of its own and instead of the main character being inside the robot, the robots duke it out themselves. (I forgot the title, sorry). This became very popular in Japan. Where the main character is a normal kid, but the battles are being fought by a... pet-like Entity. Best example is Pokemon, and now Rockman EXE. Now, Naruto follows the tradition. What is original about Naruto's summoning  is that the character do not summon a demon or some mythological creatures. Most of the time, the character only summon animals. (but you gotta admit, those are some big animals)


Situation 7: Time Screw Up. Ancient Time mix with Technology

Similar to: Dragonball Z. Like DBZ where they have Dinosaur, samurai, TV, robots, and automobile in the same era, Naruto has TV, and cars, though the village look very ancient.


Situation 8: Going after someone in team, each team members stay behind to fight each bad guy.

Similar to: Fist of the North Star, Knight of the Zodiac, YuYu, and Many Others. During the chase after Sasuke: Neiji, Chouji and the others stayed behind to fight with the bad guys one on one. This was donse so many time. In Yu Yu Hakusho. In Knight of the Zodiac (especially when they fought with the Zodiac Twelve). And like in those, the characters that stayed behind are left near death. There was this one manga that I don't know the name in English (I doubt it would ever release here, it's way too violent). Where the characters all die in the end. But next season came along and it was like nothing happened.


Naruto has hundred of references to other shows. Submit ones that isn't being mentioned here here




More to Come.

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